Nylon Waxing Brush
3" x 5"
Used to remove harder wax after scraping and first step to polish the base. Use Horse Hair brush afterwards.
1. Select correct temperature specific wax by checking mountain conditions/snow report... (actual snow temperature, not air).
2. Press wax on the iron and distribute small drips of wax over the entire base. DO NOT ALLOW IRON TO SMOKE!
3. With iron in hand, slowly pull the iron over the wax drips smoothing them into a sheet of wax that covers the entire base tip to tail.
4. Let the wax cool 10-15 minutes, then scrape with a sharp plastic scraper. DO NOT USE a steel scraper.
5. Use a wax brush or fiber pad, remove excess wax from base, brushing from tip to the tail. This allows your base to glide fast.
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