F1 Rub-On Snowboard / Ski Wax w/Cork Applicator
This F1 Rub-On, All-Temperature Ski / Snowboard Wax comes in a snap top plastic case a with cork applicator on the base of the container. Once you rub the wax into the base polish it using the cork applicator for fast, rub in performance. This is a great universal alpine wax to carry in your jacket and apply in between runs.
Temperature Range: 28ºF to 21ºF (-2ºC to -6ºC)
Size: 85g
Hot Waxing: Base must be clean and dry. Hot wax your base with the temperature specific wax for best results. Let wax cool completely and scrape with a plastic scraper. Brush out remaining wax from base and polish smooth.
Rub On: Apply wax to base by hand and cover completely. Use a waxing cork to polish wax into base with firm pressure. A scraper can be used and then use a waxing brush to polish the base... horse hair brush is best for this.
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